Cities and Oceans of If

Cities and Oceans If (2000-2010) imagines a world of “if,” where natural resources were valued and protected. The public art interventions were studies of ecological acupressure “trigger” points across various sites internationally, reinforcing habitat restoration, biodiversity, and interdependence. Experimenting with the virtual and physical and combining artistic inquiry, data collection, and mapping, the project centrally asks, “Can art be used to identify degraded biodiversity hotspots around the world in landscapes and urban regions, whose restoration could affect large-scale landscape healing?

The “If” refers to the world we might live in if natural resources were valued and protected. Broadly conceiving the definition of a site, this project explored how a site’s location could be reconceived as a trigger point for the interdependence between physical, imaginative, and virtual aspects of environmental restoration.

International proposals for public art interventions included sites in Bergen Belsen, Germany; Geumgang, Korea; New Delhi, India, and Pescia, Italy. The goal of restoring sites, to connect fragmented natural resources, has its greatest implications for water. The health of local native fish stocks is one way to track linkage between water systems and habitats.

Virtual Cities and Oceans of If experimented with using the Internet to perform residencies, without the international travel that spews jet fuel over the earth's waters and into her atmosphere. “The physiological cost of traveling to multiple work sites had become as far beyond my personal resources as the fuel use is that taxes our earth. I recognized an opportunity to discover new solutions to our global warming crisis. …The virtual world can leverage sustainable restoration and remediation of degraded ecologies. Virtuality is brilliantly exploited by terrorists. It can equally dramatically serve a different agenda.” —August 2006 “Virtual Cities & Oceans of If” press release.


Stills from Cities & Oceans of If have been shown in the following exhibitions: Ecovention, Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, OH, 2000; Imaging the River, curated by Amy Lipton, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY, 2003-2004; Visions about Nature, curated by Anke Mellin, Korean Nature Artists Association-Yatoo, Chungnam, South Korea, 2005; Called to Action, curated by Lillian Ball, Art Sites, Riverhead, NY; The Drop curated by Jodi Hanel, Exit Art, New York City, NY, April 8 - June 10, 2006 and Groundworks, curated by Grant Kestor, Regina Miller Gallery, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, 2005.


Spaid, Sue. Ecovention: current art to transform ecologies. Cincinnati, Ohio: Contemporary Art Center, and ecoartspace, 2000.

Auses, Jack; Kester, Grant and Strayer, Jenny Eds. Groundworks Pennsylvania: Carnegie Mellon University, 2005.

Mellin, Anke, Visions About Nature. South Korea: The Korean Nature Artists Association-Yatoo, 2005.

Genocchio, Benjamin. “Digging In to Nurture Nature.” New York Times May 20, 2007.

Rahmani, Aviva. “Mapping Trigger Point Theory as Aesthetic Activism.” PJIM, Vol.4, Issue 2, Winter pp.1-9, 2012.

Rahmani, Aviva. “A Community of Resistance: Collaborative Work with Science and Scientists.” WEAD Magazine. Online publication Issue 7, CREATING COMMUNITY, available at:, 2014.