March 11 update: as it turned out, I decided it wasn't worth it. But this was what I was thinking that day:
I have decided to divest my almost 1000 photos in almost 80 albums gong back to 2009, from FB because of their privacy policy. Over the next days, I will take screen shots, label and add more screen shots of each album, load them here and comment on how the ideas in each album relate to
Fish Story. Cumulatively, they represent a mini-memoir of the years of writing my dissertation on "Trigger Point Theory as Aesthetic Activism," and the foundation of the thinking that culminate in
Fish Story for Memphis, TN. Below, is a preview of the contents:
New York City has been where I engage in dynamic conversations with colleagues and consider challenging questions about any art practice. |
Fish Story began in Vinalhaven, Maine, as I struggled to restore the town dump there to flourishing wetlands for Ghost Nets (1990-2000). The work of restoration helped me conceive of theoretical approach to environmental restoration, "Trigger Point Theory," which led in turn to "Gulf to Gulf," a mini-think tank with a core of scientists to consider what to do about global warming. Fish Story, at the invitation of Tom McGlynn, began looking at Memphis, TN with the "Gulf to Gulf," team, at the center of North American ecosystem dynamics. |
At every stage, art work was created to explore relevant ideas from biogeography to species diversity. |
In Memphis, studying the city' s relationship to itself and the river, I continued to think and write in my dissertation about how complex agents interact in predictive modeling systems. |
My time in Vinalhaven allowed me to quietly contemplate difficult possibilities. |
Contrasts between city and country reflect different aspects of environmental problems. |
Personalities and personal routines transcend ecosystems. |
The task is always the same, connect the small dots, for example of ecotones and edges to the large dots of bioregions and global dynamics mediated by astrophysical processes as the planet warms. |
Geographic Informations Systems science (GISc) is one of the most powerful tools ever discovered to see layers between bioregional and demographic layers of information, by matching up statistics and geography. |
What keeps me going is my passion love for the beauty of the natural world. |
Fish are the key to the health of water systems everywhere in the world. |