Blued Trees is an opera challenging ecocide.

It is about massacring the environment, and generational conflict.

Conception of the Blued Trees

The Blued Trees opera emerged as a continuation of Aviva Rahmani’s copyrighted continental scale forest symphonic composition which she initiated in 2015. She witnessed a salvo in the most dramatic story of our times: the impunity of ecocide, when a corporation massacred her tree-notes, destroying her art to install their natural gas pipelines. After a 2018 mock trial for her legal suit, she took five years to assemble the performance team and realize her narrative vision. The opera preview was created in just three feverish months and was first performed in summer 2023.

Rehearsal and Staging

Open Rehearsal - the Final Rehearsal Before the Performance the Following Day. August 25th, 2023, 8pm, Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Final review of staging elements for the August 25 and 26 open rehearsal and performance of Blued Trees at the Soapbox Gallery, NYC.


To view the full Performance video please contact Aviva Rahmani - - for the password to access the video on Vimeo here.

Opera Performance - Audience Discussion about Ecocide and the Environment

August 26th, 2023, 8pm, Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY

The Human Drama

Blued Trees opera is about ecocide and generational conflict brings together the human element of ecocide, the people and their decisions. Within the human drama is a court trial of the pipeline company executive being tried for his destruction, massacre, of trees, to build the pipeline.


Gary, the CEO of a large energy corporation, has just learned about the legal case brought against him in an eminent domain dispute. The case involves forest property where he is planning to put in a natural gas pipeline. An experimental artist who made an installation on the property has pressed charges. Gary wins a round of the case, which will continue to be fought and appealed. Gary and his daughter, a young obstetrician, have become estranged due to differing beliefs, they see less and less of each other. He asks his daughter to meet him to discuss plans for her mother’s birthday. In the courtroom, the lawyer cross-examines the artist about the artist’s installation The Blue Trees Symphony and ecocide. Gary tells his lawyer and wife about his drastic decision to settle the case, to try to please his daughter. His wife expresses her concerns. Much later in the story, Gary meets with the artist in her garden. The wife is in a bubble.

Meet the Team

The Creatives

  • Catherine FIlloux


  • Lauren Petty and Shaun Irons


  • Julia Schwartz

    Julia Schwartz


  • Aviva Rahmani


The Performers

  • Joseph Vaz


  • Lianne P. Coble-Dispensa


  • Catherine Choi-Steckmeyer


  • Ross Benoliel



  • Elia Emery Min


  • Felicity Stone


  • Richard Pinkowitz


  • WildcatPR



The Blued Trees Opera is based on a previous project by Aviva Rahmani called Blued Trees Symphony which began in 2015.


The project has received support from the Pollock Krasner Foundation.

Blued Trees Symphony is a spatial and acoustic outdoor installation across North America, embodying trigger point theory. The installation covers many miles of proposed pipeline expansions, exploring how art, science, and law can change environmental policies about fossil fuels. The installation is composed of trees marked with a painted vertical sine wave. Each marked tree is GPS located, indicating an aerial musical score for an overture. Using copyright law, the artwork on the trees is protected, subsequently protecting the land from eminent domain takings for pipeline development.

The Blued Trees Symphony launched on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2015, with an overture in Peekskill, New York. It is now installed in many miles of proposed pipeline expansions. Each 1/3 measure of those miles have been copyrighted for protection as a single work of art. Variations of each movement are based on an iterative score created for the overture. All installations are created at the invitation of landowners. The overture was accompanied by an international Greek Chorus at a total of twenty sites internationally. Individual trees were painted and musical variations of the score were performed to echo the theme of connectivity to all life. The score is simultaneously spatial and acoustic and concluded with a coda, a final movement that recapitulated and resolved previous formal themes, on the American presidential Election Day, November 2016.

The Peekskill site for the overture was chosen because the pipelines would pass 105 feet from the infrastructure of the failing Indian Point Energy Center, a nuclear facility thirty miles from New York City. The score corresponded to a pattern that would have prevented the movement of heavy machinery. The paint for each vertical sine wave is a casein slurry of nontoxic ultramarine blue and buttermilk that grows moss (based on a Japanese gardening technique).



  • Stoltz, Barbara "A Nature Thing: What Does Contemporary Ecological Art Produce?" Rethinking Materiality in Modern and Contemporary Art Arts, edited by Dr. Ronit Milano and Dr. Nissim Gal

  • Rahmani, Aviva "There Will be No Managed Retreat." Bodies in (and out of) Place" Issue #16 , May 2023 Part I dark Matter                          


  • Rahmani, Aviva Divining Chaos, New Village Press

  • Rahmani, Aviva Ecoart in Action, New Village Press, co-edited with Geffen, Amara, Chris Fremantle and Rosenthal, Ann



  • Rahmani, Aviva “A Blued Trees Policy,” Art, Theory and Practice in the Anthropocene Edited by Reiss, Julie Vernon Press, Malaga, Spain and Wilmington, DE.)


  • Rahmani, Aviva “Rocks, Radishes, Restoration: on the relationships between clean water and healthy soil." Conversation between Aviva Rahmani and Ray Weil in: Toland, Noller & Wessolek, Field to Palette (CRC Press)                 

  • Akiba, Michiko “Blued Trees Symphony” BIOCITY, Bookend Publishing Co., Ltd, Tokyo, No.75



Please donate to Blued Trees as we continue our fight against ecocide.