Blued Trees Goes to the Hague
When I was a small child, I was plagued by nightmares of enormous monsters pursuing me. I had no means at the time to understand the possible source of those dreams. We now know that epigenetic memories are real. I think the dream monsters that pursued me were the avatars of the real monsters that had pursued my parents as war refugees before my birth. I had intuitively internalized their nightmarish histories in Eastern Europe and Palestine. Arguably, that was my first experience of 4 dimensional space-time.
When I was still very young, in time the monsters morphed into small gangs of violent men chasing me. Out of desperation, I invented and taught myself lucid dreaming and before puberty, I was able to turn back to my pursuers, argue them down to calm and escape safely. A little later, I was able to not only protect myself in those dreamscapes, but others who were with me.