Pushing Rocks

On Time, Timing and Deadlines
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

On Time, Timing and Deadlines

We are well into Glasgow’s COP26 https://ukcop26.org/and governmental officials are making promises about what measures will materialize by 2030. Neither Russia nor China deigned to attend. Deforestation, a major source of climate change was discussed. Previous commitments about deforestation were mouthed and ignored in previous COPs.

So how should the ordinary concerned citizen regard this disregard?

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The Day Before I Turn 76 My Mind Is On Afghanistan As the Leading Edge of Despair
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

The Day Before I Turn 76 My Mind Is On Afghanistan As the Leading Edge of Despair

What to call Afghanistan- a horror? A catastrophe? Whatever it is called, however tragic the immediate descent into totalitarian misogyny and cruelty, I am equally concerned about international repercussions and yet time advances and change is only predictable in retrospect no matter how clairvoyant or insightful I image myself to be.

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