Pushing Rocks

Hope Despite Darkness
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

Hope Despite Darkness

Hope is like the dawn. Both return despite the darkest night. The work of completing the “Ecoart in Action” book is wrapping up and now we are expanding the outreach of the ideas behind the book. The imminent publication and the process of outreach represents hope for the future at this very dark time for our planet. We are now fundraising to effect our outreach goals.

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Lost Things; a Soliloquy on Love
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

Lost Things; a Soliloquy on Love

This time last year, I was deep into the project, Hunt for the Lost. I wanted to identify all the things we were mourning, as ecocide and fascism appeared to have made a marriage in hell that was pulling us all into an abyss of despair and destroying all value in the world before the 2020 presidential election.

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