Inexorable Hope

As the holidays approach, my mind is on what I can be grateful for. In the image for this weeks blog I consider what the original Ghost Nets site looked like as the town dump when I purchased it in 1990, taken from a 1930 image from the Vinalhaven Historical Society.


I am considering how even degradation can be a site of inexorable hope. Yes, I planted thousands of plants to bring it to the state in the image above from this past summer, nurtured and watched over it and documented all the incremental changes but in the end, it was the will to live and flourish that brought back life and hope to the site and the surrounding habitat for which it supplied linkage. Even as I did the first plantings, rain and the coastal tides were breaking rock down to make soil.


Periodically, I need to be reminded that hope not only springs eternal but is as inexorable as all the waves that create land or the rising tides of climate change that swallow the land. Hope is the green shoot that defies tyrannies and unimaginable misery with inexorable persistence. May we all find many green shoots of inexorable hope in your lives now.


Objects, Metaphors, Venues and Money


Silencing Calisto