Pushing Rocks

On Time, Timing and Deadlines
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

On Time, Timing and Deadlines

We are well into Glasgow’s COP26 https://ukcop26.org/and governmental officials are making promises about what measures will materialize by 2030. Neither Russia nor China deigned to attend. Deforestation, a major source of climate change was discussed. Previous commitments about deforestation were mouthed and ignored in previous COPs.

So how should the ordinary concerned citizen regard this disregard?

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Nibbling On Hope at the Edge
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

Nibbling On Hope at the Edge

My story in the work memoir, “Divining Chaos,” ends just before the 2020 election and won’t launch until June 2022. I am now making final copy edits. That means I can’t add anything substantive but I can review what the publisher’s editor suggests and consider a word change here or there. So in my epilogue, I can’t write about the Biden presidency, the insurrection, or global wildfires. I have to raise any issues I've considered since November 2020,…

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How Do We Talk About Crises?
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

How Do We Talk About Crises?

Last year, I completed the Hunt for the Lost project on Governor’s Island when a more ambitious project, Blued Trees Black Skies, was torpedoed by the pandemic. Since then, it became clear to me that small discussion groups need to explode into international exchanges.

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The Law and Ecocide
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

The Law and Ecocide

The way laws get changed is case by case. My own legal theory for The Blued Trees Symphony was based on a re-examination of the definition of ownership. Polly Higgins and I both established precedents not in case law but in mock trials, which also have validity.

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