Pushing Rocks

Going to Glasgow
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

Going to Glasgow

I think this is our last year to have a hope of surviving climate change, and even many, many of us are already casualties, as are so many other species.

Everyone I know has the COP26 Glasgow on their minds, even though the consensus is that fossil fuel corporations have a stranglehold on governmental outcomes which could reverse or even halt the worst of the ecological damage and therefore little will come of the meeting.

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The Law and Ecocide
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

The Law and Ecocide

The way laws get changed is case by case. My own legal theory for The Blued Trees Symphony was based on a re-examination of the definition of ownership. Polly Higgins and I both established precedents not in case law but in mock trials, which also have validity.

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The Blued Trees Symphony update
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

The Blued Trees Symphony update

From April 2016 until late November 2016, I juggled dealing with surgery, chemotherapy and adjusting to long term medications, while moving The Blued Trees Symphony project forward.

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How to make a coda
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

How to make a coda

The Coda for The Blued Trees Symphony has been a work in progress since October 1, 2016. It follows the third movement of the Symphony, which was about the legal framework of the project, and began the first of the year, January 1, 2016. an excerpt from that movement was recently performed at White Box Gallery.

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