Pushing Rocks

Silencing Calisto
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

Silencing Calisto

The image shown is a remarkable detail from Titian's Diana and Callisto in which Callisto is stripped to reveal her pregnancy as the result of Jupiter’s rape. What is astonishing to me in this vignette is the depth of Titian’s cold eye on the status quo of women’s sexual enslavement shown in the cruel expressions in the women’s faces and bodies- calm, relaxed imposition of the status quo. Cruel for how impassive they are.

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The Mnemonics of Afghanistan and Titian
Aviva Rahmani Aviva Rahmani

The Mnemonics of Afghanistan and Titian

It seems paradoxical, but I often use conventional landscape studies as a means to think out complex adaptive systems, relationships between disparate agents that culminate in foreseeable patterns, and my next steps as a new media/ interdisciplinary artist. It is all about how mnemonics manifest as the embodiment of insight.

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